Official name
Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Form of government
Parliamentary democracy
Port of Spain
Date of establishment of bilateral relations

Political relations

Bilateral relations are friendly and without open issues. They have been traditionally characterised by joint membership in the Non-Aligned Movement. The Republic of Serbia has also been committed to activities within regional organisations where Trinidad and Tobago enjoys full membership (the Caribbean Community, the Association of Caribbean States), which represent a complementary channel of communication and create opportunities for further development of relations.

Economic relations

During 2020, exports amounted to 307,000 euros, and imports to 34,000 euros. In 2019, exports amounted to 92,000 euros and imports to 22,000 euros.


Bilateral agreements

  • Trade Agreement/SFRY–Trinidad and Tobago, signed on 20 October 1966 (The Official Journal No. 9/1967, Appendix).


Contact information

Diplomatic communication at the operating level takes place through the embassies of the two countries in Washington, D.C. (USA).

The Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Washington, D.C. (USA):

The Embassy of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago in Washington, D.C. (USA):

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia – Department for North and South America:

tel. 00 381 (0) 11 30 68 762, e-mail: