Minister Djuric confers with Deputy Minister Gray: 65 years of Serbia-Liberia diplomatic relations

22. mai 2024.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Marko Djuric talked on the phone today with Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Liberia Deweh E. Gray, and expressed his gratitude for the support to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of our country.

Pointing out the historical bonds between the two countries, rooted in the era of the Non-Aligned Movement, Djuric assessed that the year marking the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations was an excellent opportunity to open up new avenues of cooperation between Serbia and Liberia in all areas of common interest.

According to Minister Djuric, the primary task would be to strengthen the dialogue through the exchange of visits by high-ranking officials, at which the potential for a more tangible bilateral cooperation in various spheres would be jointly considered.

The Serbian Foreign Minister thanked Liberia for being one of the countries that, with its vote last year at the General Assembly of the International Bureau of Exhibitions in Paris, contributed to the selection of our country as the host of the Specialized International Exhibition EXPO, and in that context expressed his belief that Serbia would have the opportunity to show hospitality to the Liberian side during that event.