Vucic: More than two-thirds of the world's population was on our side

23. May 2024.
President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic said that the outcome of the General Assembly's vote on the Resolution on genocide in Srebrenica was a great surprise and shock for many in the hall, because in the end 107 countries were with Serbia.

"The Americans or the Russians cannot get that much on many topics. More than two-thirds of the world's population was on our side", Vucic underlined speaking to the press.

He especially thanked China, the Russian Federation, the United Arab Emirates, but also Hungary, which was the only one in the region that was against the Resolution.

He thanked the Greeks, Cypriots, and Slovaks, who, he added, dared to abstain and showed friendship towards the Serbs.

Furthermore, the Serbian President thanked "numerous African countries and Caribbean brothers".

"There are at least three countries that were forced to be co-sponsors, but in the end they abstained", Vucic pointed out.

He pointed out that those who planned all of this, who did everything to make the divisions wider and humiliate Serbia, were doing it wrong.

“I believe that we made our country proud. This way, when we do everything together, we can create miracles. A special greeting goes to our people in Kosovo and Metohija, to the Serbs in the Republic of Srpska and in Montenegro. This is the first time that a resolution was not passed unanimously. It is significant that it was 84 to 107, because 20 of them said why they were leaving the hall. And 107 countries did not want to agree with their Resolution. Not to mention how it got to 84, if there were no pressures, 60 would not have voted for it", the President explained.

When asked about his political destiny, President Vucic said that tonight at the UN he ended his career.

“They will not forgive me for many things, and this was the nail in the coffin. They did everything to humiliate us, and we, our people, soared to the heights. You saw the satisfaction of the families of the Serbian victims who applauded, proudly raising the Serbian flag", said the President of Serbia.

Vucic said that Serbia will never forget the help of its friends.

He pointed out that he will talk with Bosniaks in Serbia.

"We have one country, our Serbia, and we have to build it together and live together. Although many Serbs will feel bad about the decision that was made by a non-majority, Bosniaks will regret that the majority was on the other side, we must fight together for our future starting tomorrow", Vucic underlined.

He indicated that it was particularly difficult for him to "take a hit below the belt" when it comes to the amendments and individual criminal responsibility.

"Today, 15 minutes before the start of the session, we had to explain that these are not our amendments, and Ambassador Goran Aleksic rushed from table to table to explain our position", Vucic said.

He said that today he protected the reputation of Serbia with dignity.

"I would like to thank everyone who was with us", Vucic said.