Minister Djuric meets with President of North Macedonia Siljanovska Davkova

13. Jun 2024.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Marko Djuric met today, on the fringes of the South East European Cooperation Process Summit, which is being held in Skopje, with President of the Republic of North Macedonia Gordana Siljanovska Davkova.

Minister Djuric conveyed the congratulations and greetings from President Vucic to President Siljanovska Davkova, reiterating Serbia's commitment to closer cooperation with North Macedonia.

Underscoring that Serbia and North Macedonia were two friendly countries, Djuric assessed that the foundations of our good-neighbourly relations rested not only on common history, but also on the traditionally close ties between the two peoples.

Deepening cooperation in all areas, especially in the economy, is one of Serbia's priorities, Minister Djuric pointed out, and assessed that the Open Balkan initiative offered great opportunities in this regard.

He pointed out that the Serbs in North Macedonia and the Macedonians in Serbia represented a particularly important link between the two countries, and noted that the friendly relations between our two peoples and two countries were essential for the stability of the entire region.

Djuric said that Serbia paid great attention to promoting regional cooperation and fostering best possible good-neighbourly relations, which, as he noted, was an inseparable part of European integration and at the same time one of the key priorities of our foreign policy.

“For the Republic of Serbia, the preservation of stability in the region and orientation towards more intensive cooperation in all areas is of key interest”, Djuric concluded.