Minister Đurić meets with the new Ambassador of Israel

09. Sep 2024.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Marko Đurić met today with the newly-appointed Ambassador of the State of Israel to Serbia, Avivit Bar Ilan.

The head of Serbian diplomacy wished the Israeli Ambassador a warm welcome to Serbia and success in her future endeavours and in further strengthening the ties between the two friendly countries.

In light of the upcoming visit by the President of Israel, Minister Đurić noted that this would be an opportunity to promote the bilateral relations at all levels.

Đurić stated that Serbia was following the situation in the Middle East with great attention and concern, stressing that our country remained committed to all diplomatic initiatives aimed at achieving sustainable peace in that region, as well as the release of hostages.

Minister Đurić informed the Ambassador about the extremely difficult situation facing Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, noting that the only goal of Albin Kurti’s policy was the exodus of the Serbian people from our southern province.

According to Minister Đurić, although the international community has unequivocally condemned the unilateral moves by Pristina, Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija are continuously exposed to the gravest violations of human rights, and there has been no progress in implementing the agreements reached so far in the dialogue process between Belgrade and Pristina for a long time.  

Regarding economic cooperation between Serbia and Israel, Đurić recalled that Belgrade would host the Specialized Exhibition EXPO 2027, noting that this would present an opportunity to further deepen cooperation in the field of economy.