Minister Djuric confers with Deputy Foreign Minister of Greece

19. Jun 2024.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Marko Djuric met today with Greek Deputy Foreign Minister Alexandra Papadopoulou, on the fringes of the Summit of South East European Cooperation Process held in Skopje.

The interlocutors pointed out the high level of bilateral relations between the two countries, but also that there was always room to enhance cooperation.

The head of Serbian diplomacy expressed gratitude to Greece for its principled position on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija and informed his interlocutor about the course of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina as well as the situation facing the Serbian people in the southern province.

In the conversation with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Greece, Minister Djuric underlined that Serbia was unequivocally committed to its EU path, and that our country would intensify reforms in the field of European integration in the period ahead.

At today's meeting, the interlocutors once again affirmed the friendly ties between the two peoples and countries at all levels.