Djuric: Serbia wants a relationship of trust and cooperation with all EU member states

13. Jun 2024.
On the margins of the Summit of South East European Cooperation Process leaders, Serbian Foreign Minister Marko Djuric had talks with Deputy Managing Director at the European External Action Service Marko Makovec.

Noting that EU membership was our strategic commitment and foreign policy priority, the Minister pointed out that Serbia was sincerely committed to reforms that were significant for its EU integration and was striving to build a relationship of trust and cooperation with all EU member states.

"We want to have as active discussions as possible with EU states to inform them of plans implemented to date, as well as of future plans, in the field of European integration", said the Serbian Foreign Minister.

When it comes to the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, Minister Djuric underlined that Serbia was the constructive party in the dialogue and that it had to speak clearly about Belgrade's position and Pristina's obstructions in talks and implementation of agreements. He also informed his interlocutor about the situation facing the Serbs in our southern province.

Minister Djuric assessed that peace and stability in the region were among our priorities and that Serbia devoted great attention to promoting regional cooperation and building the best possible good-neighbourly relations.