Djuric: Serbia pursues an independent, free and freedom-loving foreign policy

23. Jun 2024.
Serbia pursues an independent, free and freedom-loving foreign policy and formulates it exclusively with the interests of the citizens in mind, and not some international power centers, Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Marko Djuric said this evening and pointed out that the country would also continue to build friendships far from its region.

"Serbia pursues an independent, free and freedom-loving foreign policy and no one from abroad determines with whom it will maintain friendly relations and trade, establish political and economic relations", Minister Djuric told TV Pink.

He reminded that the Free Trade Agreement with China would come into force at the beginning of July, while the United States became Serbia's top trading partner in the field of IT technologies.

In this context, he emphasized that Serbia's foreign policy is formulated with interests of the citizens in mind, and not some international or other political power centers and lobbies.

He added that the citizens recognized this, and in the last few election cycles they gathered and voted for Serbia to remain an autonomous decision-making centre.

Djuric pointed out that from Luxembourg, where tomorrow he will participate in the meeting of the heads of diplomacy of the EU countries and the region, he is going to Paraguay, to the Summit of the Organization of American States.

"The whole of Latin America will be there, from Cuba to Argentina, North and Central America. We will talk to everyone, in order to build friendships far from our region", said the head of Serbian diplomacy.

He stated that pro-American, pro-Russian and pro-Chinese, but primarily pro-Serbian views will always be heard in Serbia, and that nothing will ever be banned.

He also said that Serbia's foreign policy will not be a platform for domestic policy.

"We will conduct it in a balanced way, so that we maintain old friendships, but also make new ones, having a rational approach", Minister Djuric said.

Citizens, he says, should know that Serbia is fully prepared and ready for pressures.

Regarding the opposition's criticism of the U.S. Ambassador in Belgrade, Christopher Hill, he noted that when the U.S. Embassy praises Vucic, he becomes the target of the opposition's criticism.

"So much for strategic orientation. This is a matter of an open and notorious desire to come to power", Djuric stated.

Serbian hospitality calls for decency even to those who disagree with Hill's politics, he said.

"To attack the ambassador of any country is unacceptable, and even less the head of state because he wants to maintain diplomatic relations with all countries", Djuric added.

He reiterated that Serbia pursued its foreign policy exclusively in the interest of its citizens, without the influence of any embassy.

"For me, the Serbian 'Embassy on Andricev Venac Street', which was chosen by the citizens, is relevant", said Djuric and added that he was proud that all media can be seen and heard in Serbia, and that the state will not ban any media outlets.

Djuric also stated that the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, by warning about the possible spillover of the war in Ukraine, on that key strategic topic, showed that he is the voice of reason, because unlike many politicians in Europe and the world, he speaks honestly about the dangers facing the world.

He added that Vucic was open on issues that many are silent about, which speaks of responsibility, because Serbia needs to be ready for all possible scenarios.

"Serbia wants peace, but also for all our institutions to be ready, from commodity reserves to the energy system, which, as we saw a few days ago, can collapse", Djuric noted.

On the other hand, Djuric pointed out that there seems to be a competition in the "unbearable lightness of belligerent actions and statements".

"Vucic talks about the benefits of peace. Given that he comes from a small country, which has more than doubled its GDP in the past decade, and which is an economic growth leader in Europe, his statement carries weight when he says that he is worried. That is why Robert Kennedy Jr. quoted him", explained the head of Serbian diplomacy.

He added that he shares concerns with President Vucic, when it comes to the development of events on the Ukrainian front and a potential nuclear confrontation between Russia and the West, over Ukraine.

Djuric said that it is crucial for Serbia that today it is pursuing a policy that means stability, in facing all the challenges that are of an external nature.

"I think that a period of turbulence is ahead. If political changes happen in the U.S., there may be a change in the dynamics of the solutions in Ukraine", Djuric added.

At the meeting of the EU Council in Luxembourg, he says, he will also talk about what is an advantage for the EU to admit Serbia and the countries of the region.

"Most often we speak of the advantages of EU membership for us, and we do not say what the advantages are for the EU if 17 million people become members. What does this mean for European security, energy, defense capacities, relations with the countries of Africa and Asia, which Serbia maintains and would not sever them even when it becomes a member", added the head of Serbian diplomacy.

When it comes to the conclusions on Ukraine, from the Peace Summit held in Switzerland, which he himself attended, Djuric reminded that for two and a half years Serbia has adhered to the conclusions of the National Security Council of Serbia, adopted immediately after the outbreak of war - supporting active dialogue and striving for peace.

"We conduct an active dialogue on all topics, including this one. There is interest among some countries, even in the role of Serbia. We do not show that ambition. When we talked with our colleagues from Switzerland, they were feeling the waters on this issue. But, we are, first of all, focused on not making our position any more difficult. Because if we put ourselves between a rock and a hard place to mediate between the great powers, it would not be easy, and none of us has a grandiosity complex. We will continue to do everything we can to help", Djuric said.

He also noticed that there are many hybrid actions, the most dangerous of which is the one monitored by our institutions - the hybrid action of Albin Kurti.

"If we observe things from the shoes of Western diplomats, if you want to reaffirm the negative sentiment that has existed since 1999 and after the recognition of Kosovo, of course we cannot forget, but help us to solve those problems that we did not create ourselves, at least in a generally fair way. The Serbs must also get something, in Kosovo and Metohija, and in other places. If you help us solve this, we will be the best of friends", Djuric said.

He reminded that the history of Serbs and Albanians is not only a history of conflict, but that it needs to be said that during World War II, the Skanderberg division killed Serbs and Jews, and ethnically "cleansed" Jews from Kosovo and Metohija.

"Today they would like to present themselves as great Europeans, liberals, but there is a dark ideology of hatred that aims to expel the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, to establish control in North Macedonia, to establish control over parts of Montenegro and Greece", Djuric warned.

He pointed out that even when you look at the flag that says "autochthonous", you can see that it includes parts of Greece, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.