Djuric: The Organization of American states is an important factor in building modern international relations

27. Jun 2024.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Marko Djuric addressed today in Paraguay the participants of the 54th session of the General Assembly of the Organization of American States, assessing that this organization was an important factor in building international relations, as it defined the agenda of the Western Hemisphere politically and in terms of values.

According to the Minister, the UN Charter is the foundation on which the world of today needs to be built, and Serbia will continue to consistently follow the rules of conduct in international relations established by the founding of the global organization.

Speaking at the meeting of the heads of delegation of member states with the heads of delegation of permanent observers to the Organization of American States, Djuric reminded that on the anniversary of the signing of the UN Charter, it was important to reaffirm the values ​​contained in that document in all international forums in order to, among other things, guarantee the sovereignty of states, foster human rights and democratic principles and ensure a more balanced economic development.

"Serbia highly values the efforts made by the Organization of American States to recognize, articulate and translate into concrete programs the needs of the member states in terms of sustainable development", Djuric said.

On the margins of the first day of the General Assembly of the Organization of American States, the head of Serbian diplomacy met with several heads of diplomacy and other representatives of Central and South American countries.

In the talks, Minister Djuric expressed readiness for comprehensive promotion of Serbia's bilateral relations with the countries of that part of the world, with which our country had already maintained intensive political communication and fostered traditional friendship and understanding.