Djuric: Becirovic should leave Bosnia and Herzegovina alone and in peace

12. Jul 2024.
His plan to destabilize our friendly neighbour and bring down the Dayton Accords will fail.

Today's ethno-nationalist tirade by Denis Becirovic only confirms the theories of the existence of a plan to destabilize the region at any cost, and drag our country and the Serbian people into conflict.

To the conciliatory tone of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, Becirovic responded with a new barrage of personal insults and untruths, full of hatred against Serbia.

President Aleksandar Vucic today uncovered and exposed the motives of those who pursue special propaganda operations against Serbia and the motives of politicians who want to weaken and marginalize Serbia as a regional factor.

Becirovic is panicking because he has been exposed and because he is aware that we have known his true intentions for a very long time, and that he does not sympathize with Bosniak victims, nor anyone else's victims and suffering, instead aiming to take advantage the current instability in the world to harm Serbia and the Serbian people by renewing the conflict in the Balkans.

Having no responsibility towards individual destinies and human lives, of both the Bosniak and the other two constituent peoples in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Becirovic seeks new conflicts and new suffering, but no one will fall into the traps he keeps setting.

For Becirovic, Srebrenica is a legal fact, but not a human tragedy, because he is someone who does not mourn but takes advantage of the victims, and what Becirovic refers to as a legal fact is not a legal fact for the majority of humanity, as the recent vote in the UN General Assembly clearly showed.

Mr. Becirovic should leave Serbia alone, because no one here means harm to him or his extremist peers, but above all he should leave Bosnia and Herzegovina alone, or it is better to say in peace, because no one except him and a group of irresponsible politicians from Sarajevo is threatening that country.

The cynical conclusion of today's war-mongering statement by Denis Becirovic that Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina should build good relations is the pinnacle of hypocrisy, because it is Becirovic and the ideology of hatred that he represents that are the main obstacles to good and harmonious relations between the two countries.

The special parallel ties that Serbia has with the Republic of Srpska are not in contravention of the Dayton Agreement or the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the whole of Bosnia and Herzegovina benefits or could benefit from them, because the economic development of the Republic of Srpska contributes to the overall economic results of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Becirovic, as someone with a schadenfreude-driven political credo, cannot, however, be expected to understand the basic logic of economy, nor any logic, because hatred blocks his power of reasoning.

The made up Greater Serbia project has become Becirovic's political mantra, because he cannot offer his voters anything other than hatred and fear, but both he and his politics represent one huge and long-irrelevant anachronism, a ghost from the dark past, and we hope that reason will prevail and that the proponents of such political tendencies will be marginalized and retired.

Just how blinding Becirovic's hatred towards the Republic of Srpska is can be seen by his, to put it mildly, unfitting comparison of the entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina with Vojvodina, an autonomous province of Serbia. He does not understand, or pretends not to understand, that Serbia was not created by a peace agreement, while Bosnia and Herzegovina was, and that it was the Dayton Agreement that defined how that country should function, establishing the Republic of Srpska as an entity of the Serbian people.  

Serbia will not remain silent to the miserable attempts to be humiliated and trampled upon, but it will not assist Becirovic either by becoming an accomplice in his efforts to destabilize the region. With its responsibility and restraint, Serbia will continue to work in the interest of its citizens, regardless of their nationality, to build and develop itself, for its own benefit, but also for the benefit of the entire region.

We hope that a more responsible political elite will come to power in Sarajevo in the future, with whom we will be able to cooperate in our mutual interest, and that Becirovic and all others who strive to make Serbs and Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina a minority and second-class citizens will be politically punished for irresponsibility and ideology of hatred.