Address by First DPM and MF Ivica Dačić at the Ministerial Conference of the International Organization of Francophonie (OIF)

18. Nov 2022.
Full text of the address by First DPM and MF Ivica Dačić at the Ministerial Conference of the International Organization of Francophonie (OIF)

Mr. Chairman,

Madam Secretary General,

Ladies and gentlemen,


Firstly, it is my duty to remind you of the official position of the Republic of Serbia regarding the participation of the so-called Kosovo in the work of the International Organization of La Francophonie. I would like to emphasize that our presence at today's conference in no way prejudges the recognition of independence of the so-called Kosovo by the Republic of Serbia nor does it affect in any way our consistent compliance with Resolution 1244 (1999) of the UN Security Council. On the contrary, despite this aggravating circumstance that penetrates deeply into our vital interests, Serbia’s participation shows the enormous importance we attach to cooperation with the International Organization of La Francophonie.

I want to thank our host, friendly Republic of Tunisia, for organizing this meeting in ancient and historically rich Djerba.

I am convinced that today's ministerial meeting, as well as the upcoming Summit, will contribute to successful further modernization and strengthening of the readiness to respond to the numerous challenges facing the francophone world.


Ladies and gentlemen,

I am pleased to have the opportunity to address the friendly francophone family and to share with you the readiness and will of the Republic of Serbia to continue to build solid foundations for cooperation in these difficult times, marked by numerous challenges. Our goal, as you know, is to acquire a full-member status in the International Organization of Francophone Countries.

The Republic of Serbia respects and cherishes the linguistic, cultural, and political values ​​of the International Organization of La Francophonie and supports its commitment to peace, democracy, and human rights, as well as commitment to respect for the constitutional order and the rule of law. We also welcome the commitment of the International Organization of La Francophonie in promoting gender equality and equity, as essential for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. We are especially committed to promoting peaceful resolution to all crises and conflicts in the Francophone world, in accordance with the principles of the UN Charter. This is very important to us because the most challenging of all our struggles is the one aimed at preserving our sovereignty and territorial integrity, that is, solving the issue of Kosovo and Metohija. By fighting to preserve sovereignty and territorial integrity, Serbia is simultaneously defending the universal principles of international law.

In order to improve cooperation with the International Organization of La Francophonie, the Republic of Serbia has implemented a series of activities. Today, study programs in French language are available in four universities in Serbia, and bilingual programs are available in seven primary and secondary schools. The French language is taught in 360 primary, 187 secondary and 5 schools for students with disabilities. Nevertheless, our historical commitment to the French language and linguistic diversity encourages us to strive for even better results, by finding adequate ways to prioritize the French language at all levels of education.

Another affirmation of the positive engagement by the Republic of Serbia towards promotion of francophone culture is the decision by the Francophone University Agency (AUF) to open office in Serbia, and we sincerely hope that this project will be set in motion as soon as possible.

Finally, I would like to emphasise that Serbia is a country where Francophonie symbolizes equality, complementarity, and solidarity (égalité, complémentarité, solidarité), as in the motto of this organization. For us, Francophonie is a matter of choice, and our deep commitment to its principles inspires us to give it a prominent place in all segments of our society. Therefore, we are once again inviting the Secretary General to visit Serbia and see both the traditional hospitality of my country and the importance we attach to Francophonie.

It will be my great pleasure to be your host.

Thank You.