Serbian intangible heritage at UNESCO website
At the beginning of 2021, the Regional Center launched the online column “Days of Intangible Cultural Heritage” with the idea that every of the countries of the South-Eastern Europe present itself with three elements of intangible cultural heritage, which are present at UNESCO lists.
On this occasion the regional and international audience was presented: Pirot rug making – an element from the domain of knowledge and skills with regards to traditional crafts: toast - an element from the domain of oral traditions and expressions and social practices, and Saint George’s Day – an element from the domain of custom practice.
By participation in this initiative, the Republic of Serbia, through the cooperation of the Center for Intangible Cultural Heritage and the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Sofia, continue with active work in the international presentation of the elements of “live heritage”, that is, the knowledge, skills, oral traditions, social practices and customs which the communities at the territory of Serbia still preserve and transfer from generation to generation as a symbol of its own identity and continuity.
The presentation was prepared by the Center for Intangible Cultural Heritage of Serbia at the Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade, as a part of activities in the promotion and presentation of “live heritage” of Serbia and the visitors may see it in the following link:…