For holders of diplomatic and official passports:

No visas required for visits of up to 90 days

For holders of national passports:

No visas required for visits of up to 90 days in a 6 months period starting from the date of the first entry


Holders of emergency travel documents in transit require a visa


As of 1 May 2011, citizens of the Republic of Serbia who hold a biometric passport, do not require a visa to enter and stay in Japan for up to 90 days. The elimination of visas does not apply to entry and stay for employment or professional or other activities (including entertainment activities or sports with the aim of securing revenues), and a request for obtaining a visa for a longer stay is to be submitted through the Consular Department of the Embassy of Japan in Belgrade:
All foreign nationals must fill out an immigration form before entering Japan (most frequently in the airplane), stating basic information about themselves, their flight number and destination of origin for theoir trip to Japan. It is also necessary to state the address of residence in Japan and declare the amount of goods subject to customs, if any. Holding a health insurance is not mandatory, nor is a certificate of vaccination.
Visit Japan Web is an online service that allows travelers to pre-register the necessary information for arrival procedures—"Immigration," "Customs," and "Tax-Free Shopping." It is possible to generate a QR code to facilitate entry procedures into Japan. More details are available on the website:
There is no limit to the amount of money that may be brought into or out of Japan, but a sum corresponding to over 1,000,000 Japanese yen must be declared to the competent bodies at the border crossing. Three bottles of alcoholic beverage, 400 cigarettes, 100 cigars, 500g of other types of tobacco and 50ml of perfume may be brought into the country. Plants and animals being imported must be subjected to a quarantine inspection prior to a customs check. The import of food products of animal origin from Serbia is prohibited. The import of firearms and ammunitions, narcotics, or material with pornographic or dangerous content is prohibited. More detailed information is available through the Embassy of Japan in Belgrade or on the website of the Japanese Customs:

No social security agreement has been signed.


HEALTH SITUATION  Current information on the health situation is available on the World Health Organization website.
The overall sanitary situation is satisfactory.
Tap water in Japan is safe to drink, while shops, vending machines and supermarkets provide bottled water by domestic and international companies. Foodstuffs are always labelled with an expiration date, while domestic specialities in restaurants (raw fish, algae) must comply with the relevant sanitary standards.
Healthcare institution contact information: for emergency assistance dial the fire service at 199 from any telephone; for information on medical services citizens may call the AMDA International Medical Information Center service that provides information to foreigners in Japan in several foreign languages: (the telephone numbers in Tokyo are 03-5285-8086 and 03-5285-8088, in Osaka 06-4395-0555); a list of hospitals with doctors who speak the English language can be found on the website of the Japanese National Tourist Organisation:

SECURITY SITUATION  Japan is a country with a high degree of public peace and order, without a risk of armed conflict and with a low crime rate compared to other developed countries.
At the same time, Japan is a country with a high risk of natural disasters, since it is located in a highly seismically and volcanically active area, with frequent earthquakes and occasional devastating typhoons. Serbian citizens residing in or intending to travel to Japan are advised to monitor information on the risk of natural disasters in public media, along with warnings by local authorities and the police. The Government of Japan uses the J-Alert system to notify the public of emergencies through various media (TV, mobile phones, radio messages, PA systems). The main source of warnings is the Meteorological Service of Japan ( The Tourist Organisation of Japan has a mobile app for warnings against natural disasters (
All citizens who do not speak the Japanese language are recommended, if they notice something unusual, to turn to the staff of hotels, restaurants or shops for information, to ask them about what the warnings mean, and in crisis to follow the behaviour of Japanese citizens around them.
In case of need, the contact number for the police is 110. The contact number for the fire service and emergency assistance is 119.

TRANSPORT  Driving in Japan is on the left side. The road infrastructure is highly developed and safe, with toll ramps on large motorways and rest stops at the appropriate points. Traffic safety regulations are strict, while offences such as driving without a licence or driving under the influence of alcohol are punished severely.
Japan does not recognise Serbian driver's licences, nor international driving permits issued by AMSS on the form harmonised with the International Convention on Road Traffic (1968) which Japan did not sign. Serbian citizens are advised against driving with these permits during their stay in Japan, since they are not recognised. The Japanese authorities are very strict on regulations, every offence carries a fine, and offences may result in additional penalties that may reflect on one’s future stay in Japan.
Citizens of the Republic of Serbia that have an approved residence in Japan and intend to drive a motor vehicle need to submit a request for the conversion of their Serbian driver’s licence to a Japanese driver’s licence. For this procedure, Japanese authorities require an original driver’s licence from Serbia with the mandatory data on when the licence was first obtained (or an additional document confirming when the licence was first obtained), a certified translation of this licence into Japanese, and they require to see the original passport showing that the person, after taking the driver’s test, resided in Serbia for 3 months (an expired passport may be submitted), a copy of the residence application in Japan with the address of residence, taking an additional oral and practical examination that requires knowledge of the Japanese language or the presence of a person who will provide Japanese language interpretation services and whose expenses will be paid by the person seeking to obtain the Japanese licence. For every individual city in Japan it is necessary to check the precise requirements prior to submitting a request for conversion to a Japanese driver’s licence.

OTHER  Japan uses the Japanese yen (JPN Yen), and payment in foreign currency is not permitted. Payment cards can be used.
It is customary in Japan to take off one's shoes when entering, and a bow is customary for greetings.
Sockets: two narrow pins (photo:
Prior to arrival in Japan, it is advisable to check with the mobile network operator whether the use of their services is possible in Japan. Mobile telephones, various types of cards for mobile telephones and wireless internet devices can also be purchased or rented at international airports.
Business hours of banks, institutions and an overview of national holidays:

Contact information
During your stay in Japan, for consular assistance and protection you may contact the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Tokyo, at the following telephone number: 03-3447-3571 or e-mail: