Djuric confers with Odobescu: Lasting good-neighbourliness between Serbia and Romania

22. mai 2024.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Marko Djuric had talks with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania Luminiţa-Teodora Odobescu and on that occasion underlined lasting good-neighbourliness and friendship as key features of the bilateral relations between the two countries.

According to Minister Djuric, in addition to historically close ties, Serbia and Romania also shared a firm commitment to observance of the principles of international law and the territorial integrity and sovereignty of states.

In this context, Minister Djuric underlined that Serbia was deeply grateful to Romania for its firm stance on the status of our southern province and for understanding the positions that Serbia presented in international organizations in this regard.

The Head of Serbian Diplomacy also conveyed the commitment of the Serbian state leadership towards additional intensification of cooperation with the Romanian side, both through more frequent exchanges of visits at the high and top levels, and through the encouragement of further development of all mutually recognized prospective areas of bilateral cooperation.

In terms of economic cooperation, Djuric welcomed the continuous growth of key economic parameters, especially the trade in goods, which was at a record-high.

Bearing in mind that membership of the European Union was a strategic commitment and one of the main foreign policy priorities of the new Government of the Republic of Serbia, Minister Djuric pointed out that we appreciated the support lent by friendly Romania in our process of European integration.